Kansas Ornithological Society held it's annual Spring meeting this past weekend at Tipton in Mitchell County. There were many field trips available on Saturday and Sunday, I decided to take the one going to Lovewell Reservoir which is near the Nebraska border in Jewell County. During the weekend 173 species were observed by the several groups, best birds were probably Snowy Plover and Dunlin seen by most of the birders attending. We enjoyed a banquet on Saturday evening; overall it was a very pleasant weekend of birding, catching up with old friends and also making new ones.

Gray Catbird singing

Tree Swallow

Binoculars are up searching for warblers.

A Yellow Warbler hiding among the green leaves

Our group gathering on a bridge east of the Lovewell Dam hoping for a Barred Owl to appear and we were not disappointed.

Barred Owl