Glenwood Hot Springs Lodge and Hotel Colorado

Boarding the California Zephyr

When we got to Glenwood Springs we had time before I boarded the California Zephyr to look around and have lunch. The train came into town a little early, but didn't leave until the scheduled time. There were several Amish that got on the train, you can see them in the last picture. I rode much of the time in the observation car, which is the one with the curved glass. The train follows the Colorado River for around half the route between Glenwood Springs and Denver, passing through beautiful Glenwood Canyon and other canyons. When we reached Denver I got off and walked around the downtown area for a little while, the train pulled out of Union Station just after sunset. I got back to Lincoln at 4:30 a.m. the next morning, got a cab to my pickup and then on home. I had a great time in Colorado and the train adventure on the California Zephyr was a very enjoyable and relaxing way to travel. The top picture is of the historic train station built in 1904, the second picture shows both the Glenwood Hot Springs Lodge in the foreground and the Hotel Colorado (beyond the Lodge and higher up), the hotel was built in 1893, patterned after the Villa de Medici in Rome.